Monday, March 31, 2014

Junior Achievement Investor Challenge

An intensely competitive, fast-moving, high-impact stock exchange simulation…

To learn more, see this video:
Each team of students receives a mentor from the business world. As Belynda Clanton said, “The kids huddle around their mentors.”

Kelly Ogle, KWTV Channel 9 news anchor, prerecords breaking news that affects the stock market.

Excerpts from "OVERVIEW"  
The Investor Challenge is an exciting and educational "hands-on" introduction to the stock market. High school student teams are given the chance to experience the excitement of buying and selling stock shares on a live trading floor at one of four sessions.
 The event is free to student teams and is so popular that we have expanded to serve 800 high school students this year!
The Junior Achievement (JA) Investor Challenge is an annual event based on the principles of investing and trading.  To summarize the event, we use a state-of-the-art computer program, wireless technology and realistic trading screens, to simulate a fast-paced stock market environment. Teams of 4 will be given $500,000 in “virtual” money to purchase shares in a variety of fictitious companies.  
Giant [20-foot] screens in the room will project team standings and changing stock values.  Teams can receive additional capital by completing a lesson in class and bringing their completed form to the event. Teams will receive stock tips on day 20 and day 40.  This program emulates a 60-day trading period in less than two hours, with nearly 80 seconds of trading for each day.  Each team’s objective is to create the highest net-worth by the end of day sixty. The winning team will receive the highly coveted “JA Investor Challenge” trophy. 
The growth of JA Investor Challenge in Oklahoma City with a facility capacity of 200 could mean that JA will have two days next year. The facility at the Tulsa Tech-Lemley Campus accommodates up to 800.

Thanks to all the businesses that support Investor Challenge!

Sources:    Ret. 3-20-14
Belynda Clanton (personal communication, March 12, 2014)
Jo Wise (personal communication, March 3-19-14)

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