Friday, June 9, 2017

FIRST Robotics Women in STEM Reception 2017, Part IV of IV

Talking Points for Table Mentors

FIRST Robotics Women in STEM Reception 
Oklahoma City

The goal of this document is to provide some talking points to assist the table mentors with table discussions. That being said, you do not have to use this document. It is simply to help encourage discussion among table participants.

  1. Introduce yourself – name, company, job and then major and university. Have the girls introduce themselves and their team.
  2. Where are you from? Some of the teams are from out-of-state, and this might be their first glance at Oklahoma City.
  3. What are some of your hobbies outside of school or work? Help the girls see that engineers are real people with some of their same interests.
  4. Tell them about your job/college experience. Give them an example of a time when you solved a problem that had an impact on society. Show them that engineers are important and needed in all aspects of life.
  5. How many types of engineering can you name? Do the students know any universities with engineering programs?   Example: Aerospace, agricultural, audio, biomedical, chemical, civil, computer, electrical, environmental, mechanical, nuclear, petroleum, software, etc. 
  6. Do you know any engineers? What do they do for their job?

If you have any juniors or seniors at your table, ask them where they are considering attending college and what are their potential majors. Answer any questions they may have relating to the admissions process, financial aid, or course load. Promote SWE as a campus organization and support group on most college campuses.

More from the FIRST Robotics Women in STEM Reception 2017

Leslie Crissup, the president of the Society of Women Engineers, Oklahoma City Section, shared these prompts for table mentors prior to the 2017 FIRST Robotics Women in STEM Reception. The engineers did not need prompts, but these are suitable for adapting for other STEM table mentoring events. 

Crissup is SWE Region I Senator and project engineer for Enable Midstream Partners

She provides on-site engineering troubleshooting and consultation for compressor stations and processing plants. Leslie graduated from the University of Oklahoma with a B.S. in chemical engineering. She is a Lean/Six Sigma Yellow Belt. Leslie is also a huge Thunder fan.

Subashini Iyer, mechanical engineer
for Boeing, speaks to the group
while Upekesha Addagatla,

(In medium blue on the right)

Upekesha Addagatla 

SWE OKC Secretary
Mechanical systems design engineer
The Boeing Company

Upekesha has experience working on military and commercial airplane designs. She enjoys mentoring the Edmond Memorial High School FIRST robotics team.

Lizzie Long, Oklahoma State University
engineering student and table mentor
Jordan Fox, table mentor and Oklahoma
State University computer science major

Mentor with a Tulsa Union Ubotics team member

Tinker Air Force Base's 1st Lt. Johnson
and some of her mentees

Subashini Iyer, mechanical engineer, and Addison Schwamb talk.
Iyer is the senior manager for modification & sustainment 
engineering structural analysis at Boeing.

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