Almost everything about Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students) at fathers.com, an excellent resource!
In Oklahoma City...
Who Let the Watch D.O.G.S. Out?
Kristen Hoyt
City Public Schools have tapped into the Father Involvement Initiative of the
National Center for Fathering called “Watch D.O.G.S. (Dads of Great Students).
This initiative organizes fathers and father figures to promote positive male
role models for students and to enhance school security. Watch D.O.G.S. began
in Springdale, Arkansas in 1998—and has quickly grown to 2,276 active programs
in 41 states and Washington, D.C.
our state, schools with Watch D.O.G.S. programs have an average of 85 days
throughout the year where a Watch D.O.G. dad volunteers in the school. In
Oklahoma, there are currently 53 schools participating in the program,
including Cleveland Elementary in Oklahoma City, where we spoke to a few of the
Watch D.O.G. dads.
Thomas Cherry
Cherry, a self-employed dad of a kindergarten student, regularly volunteers
once per week during the morning drop off. He opens car doors, ensures the
safety of children walking to and from school and greets parents.
Cherry has helped with birthday parties, reading to and with students,
providing transportation for field trips and with mailings. “Usually the moms
are called upon to do many of the volunteer jobs in the school,” said Mr.
Cherry. “Being self-employed, I am able to set aside some time each week to
help out. It benefits me as a dad and it seems to benefit the children, too.”
Paxton Gray
Gray works the drop-off line for the morning school rush as well as the school
pick-up line in the afternoons. He also assists at recess, which both helps
teachers with monitoring and wards off potential bullying issues.
Gray recently helped students train for the Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon
Kid’s Marathon. He walked and timed the kids on Friday afternoons, staying with
them until their parents picked them up. His commitment to these kids
encouraged them to participate in community events and to commit to being
with all that he does, Mr. Gray was modest in saying, “There are several dads
and father figures who help at Cleveland. I do what I can, but there are many
others, too.”
Watch D.O.G.S. dads also serve as testing proctors for standardized tests and
organized a flag football game to raise funds for the school. These dads are a
welcome and helpful addition to the volunteers at Cleveland and several other
schools in the Oklahoma City Public School District.
Positive Impacts
to Principal Marsha Stafford, about 50 dads actively participate in Watch
D.O.G.S. at Cleveland Elementary. “We have a list of dads that we can call on
any time we need help,” she explains. “They help in the cafeteria, on the
playground, with tutoring, with test monitoring and committees. They have even
shoveled snow in the parking lot!” Stafford notes that the Watch D.O.G.S. have
been particularly helpful with the school's efforts to integrate Spanish into
their curriculum. “We have some dads who speak fluent Spanish and are helping
us teach the curriculum and tutor students after school,” Stafford says.
beyond the extra hands and help with special projects, Stafford sees a larger
value in having dads in the school setting. “It's important for these children
to see a positive male role model, especially for those who might not have a
male figure in their lives,” Stafford explains. “They are forming relationships
with the children and making sure the children feel very safe at school. They
help make the atmosphere at Cleveland friendly, warm and accepting by modeling
courtesy and respect. They help set the tone for our school.”
According to research, increased involvement by fathers has shown to result in:
According to research, increased involvement by fathers has shown to result in:
grades and higher confidence levels in the student body as a whole,
who enjoy school and view education as important and worthy,
decrease in school-related anxiety in children, and
members working hard to benefit their neighbors.
you or your principal would like to start a Watch D.O.G.S. program at your
school, access the National Center for Fathering website at www.fathers.com.
not sure who let the Watch D.O.G.S. out, but I am certainly glad they did!
Hoyt is Assistant Professor and Director of Field Experience in the School of
Teacher Education at MACU (Mid-America Christian University in OKC).
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