Teens using these guides vary from career tech to high school to college. We can find much adaptable for our existing or new programs.
High School Teen Mentoring Resources
The High School Teen Mentoring resources are a result of a four year pilot program by Advanced Education and Technology in partnership with Big Brother Big Sister of Edmonton and Area, and supported by Alberta Education. These resources are to be used in combination: High School Teen Mentoring Handbook, High School Teen Mentoring Activity Book and High School Teen Mentoring Bin Resources. Each publication is available for downloading in PDF format below or can be ordered in print format alis.alberta.ca/publications (just make sure you type in the exact name of the resource you would like to order in the "Keyword or Phrase" field).
These three resources are available free in Alberta for use in various mentoring courses and programs province-wide such as:
- Career and Technology Studies (CTS) mentoring courses in Alberta schools,
- extra curriculum mentoring courses or programs through Alberta schools,
- school partnership mentoring programs, or
- mentoring programs through other organizations.
The High School Teen Mentoring Handbook provides you with valuable information on how to be a mentor, including:
- building a great mentoring relationship
- surprises and myths about mentoring
- developing your conversation and listening skills
- determining your learning styles
- protecting your mentee
High School Teen Mentoring Resources (webpage)
Activity Book
Mentoring Bin Resources
Ret. 11-15-13
Updated links, 6-4-14
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