Helpful to mentors, parents, school personnel, and mentoring organizations are the results of the study and practical tips on what bystanders can do to thwart bullying. Imagine a mentoring group role playing these tips! Most kids will stand up for what is right if they are empowered.

Tools Newsletter
perfect resource for great school climate
- Academic performance tied to being bullied
Almost half of the 14-year-olds who took part said they had been bullied; this figure fell to 41 per cent at 15 and 29 per cent at 16. The most common type of bullying at all ages was name-calling and cyberbullying, followed by being threatened with violence, social exclusion and being attacked. Bullies were most likely to target those with special educational needs, pupils with a disability and children in care.
Previous studies have established that bullying victims have lower self- esteem and are at greater risk of suicide but have not examined the link with academic performance. “There are all kinds of factors associated with bullying which could contribute to not doing as well in exams. Unhappiness and depression affect children’s work, too.”
But Richard Piggin, head of operations at the charity Beatbullying, said he had met many young people who described having to “dumb down” to avoid being picked on. “They don’t want to be seen as different, and that goes for those with a particular talent in music or sport too,” Mr Piggin said.
- Talking points for school staff when working with the bystanders or the perpetrator in a bullying situation
• Avoid laughing or joining in when bullying occurs
• Tell the students who is bullying to stop
• Encourage other bystanders to be supportive
• Say something kind or supportive to the target of bullying
• Invite the student who is being bullied to walk, sit, work or socialize with them
• Encourage the target to talk to an adult about what happened and offering to accompany them
• Tell an adult at school what has happened
• Talk to an adult at home about what has happened.
Bullies need to…
• Reflect on their reasons for participating in bullying behavior
• Reflect on their values or the type of person they wish to be
• Take the perspective of the students they are bullying and thinking about how they might feel
• Think about and trying out alternative ways of addressing their feelings and impulses.
This School Tools Newsletter comes to you from the folks at For KidSake.
We can be reached at Mark 9:37
- Free Items (TeleClass, time-sensitive opportunity, October 10th)
Free ebook!
This article highlights the steps a small school implemented to vastly improve their school climate. The outcomes are measured, research-backed, and straight-forward.
Free staff meeting activity!
This excellent activity, Opinion Juggle, is designed for administrators or other workshop leaders who want to get everyone talking about the important topic at hand, but to do it in a constructive and effective manner.
Free TeleClass!
This month's free TeleClass is The Latest and Best Strategies for Great School Climate. Sixty minutes packed with the latest research and promising practices. All our TeleClasses are conducted over the telephone and on the internet. Simply dial in at the beginning of class, listen on your phone, and watch the powerpoints on your computer.
Wednesday, October 10th 9:00 am pacific coast time